Interior designer of the year competition - 7 dedicated awards

Every year the Hungarian interior design association LOSZ - Lakberendezők Országos Szövetsége - holds the much awaited “Interior Designer of the year competition”. Participating designers and interior architects compete for the title in different categories like home, project and junior. While the first two categories include already realized projects, the latter is a fictional assignment, created for interior designers just starting their career.

Winner in my category: Herczeg Andrea - congrats! :)

I am speechless ever since the awards ceremony took place.

Even though I did not win the category I competed in, I had the honor of being recognized with several dedicated awards for my project:

AGC Glass Hungary dedicated award

Casati Color dedicated award

CreaWall dekor panel dedicated award

DODO - Designban Otthon dedicated award

JAB Anstoetz Magyarország dedicated award

Nortene dedicated award

REHAU Magyarország dedicated award

It was a great experience to participate in this competition, I learned a lot and met wonderful people.

Read about my project here:


Expo Booth Design for AGC GLASS HUNGARY


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