• Every planning process is different, because it greatly depends on the task at hand, your needs and the space itself. Please have a look here to see the outline of a planning process with me.

  • Please see here the detailed process of the tidying work-progress we will go through

  • It is best if you show me your home in it’s real condition. In order to help you, I need to see what your household looks like in everyday life and on which area it is most needed to focus.

  • I will not tidy up your place instead of you, because it is your perspective on your lifestyle, that is key. Your values, habits, interest will dictate the process.

    The process of tidying itself is very important, taking each item into your hand will help you decide whether or not it is still something that you want to have in your life. Through this step you will quickly discover what is important to you, not only in your home, but your life.

  • Tidying up your home is a very personal, inner process. It is a journey of discovering, what brings you most joy in life, that is best chosen for yourself. You must be willing to engage, to actively work on yourself and your environment.

    If you are sure that this is true for the person you would like to give the service to as a gift, please contact me for more details.

  • Yes, I'm happy to help you with a single room that you can't figure out and you need to tidy and organize.

  • Organizing your home is not a sprint, but a marathon, the length of which depends on many factors.

    • the size of your home

    • the number of things you own

    • the ability to make decisions (which will improve drastically with time!)

    • determination to do “homework” and tidy up outside of our meetings

    Every situation and every client is unique, if you are unsure, you can book a single meeting and see how much we can get done in one meeting

  • Tidying up your home with me is right for you if you are:

    • sick of spending so much time on finding your things around the house, taking to long t get dressed or even embarrassed to invite your loved ones over, because of your chaos

    And you are:

    • determined to organize your house once and for all

    • ready to make difficult decisions

    • willing to get rid of things that do not serve you anymore

    • open for change

  • Yes, i will happily help you pack up your things, and decide what the things are that you take with you into your home. You will save a lot of time, energy and money in your move.

Interior Design

Home organization

Ready to get inspired?
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+49 151 750 63215