Budapest, Complete Interior Design, 76 m², 2022

City apartment of a young family of three. The clients were looking for a somewhat minimalist design featuring warm colors and an emphasis on natural daylight. To create a welcoming and inspiring environment we invited the outdoors inside with the use of natural materials and plenty of houseplants.

The client has a preference for open spaces, so an airy living-space was defined containing the kitchen, a dining area and the living room. The two functions of eating and relaxing are separated by a bespoke floor-to-ceiling room divider made of wood, which is still airy enough to allow the family to host larger groups of guests without having to divide the party in two. There is a need for a small office space, as one of the adults works from home occasionally. We decided to place the office in close proximity to the apartment entrance, which grants the possibility of welcoming work-guests for a meeting without having to enter the apartment’s personal areas.


Lakeside house

